*refer to Berita Harian, 22.08.2006, front page.
I'm wondering; if getting profit just increasing price and forcing passengers to pay more, then anybody & everybody could be good manager. What made me say it's forcing passenger? Simple, passengers have to pay more for that same services and they don't have any other options!
And I think most of domestic passengers for MAS are government servants (government servants if must travel by flight have to use MAS - ie no Air Asia etc or you pay for yourself and then claim). Indirectly, to increase their profit, MAS is charging the government, and indirectly also, MAS is charging the citizens of Malaysia.
MAS also introduces Websaver, with discount up to 60% and MUST buy online! Sound like Air Asia! How many seats MAS offer for discount? One seat per flight?
In this industry, I just wondered why can't MAS reduce the catering cost for domestic flight rather than increase fare?
[...] Yang paling buat aku meluat bila MAS cakap tak nak hapuskan surcaj bahan api pada masa ni. Korang perasan tak? Bila harga minyak naik, MAS dan Airasia kenakan surcaj. Bila minyak dah turun tak pulak MAS hapuskan surcaj tu. Itu yang aku cakap, kalo nak untung dengan naikkan harga, sapa-sapa pun boleh jadi CEO. [...]